A rumored French plot to assassinate the erstwhile emperor has been decoded and cracked by a team a researchers in eastern France.

Refusing to recant or rescind his positions, Luther was declared an outlaw and a heretic. Born in 1500, Charles was the grandson of the Habsburg Emperor Maximilian I and of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castille. Holy Roman Emperor and King of Spain, Charles V, was one of the 16th century’s most powerful people, but certainly not well liked. He ruled over the Spanish Empire from 1516 and the Holy Roman Empire from 1519, along with the Habsburg Netherlands from 1506. In 1521, the pope excommunicated him, and he was called to appear before the emperor at the Diet of Worms to defend his beliefs. Charles V was the Holy Roman Emperor, as well as the King of the Romans and King of Italy. With his scandalous affairs and vicious feuds, the twisted life of Charles V proved one thing. Though Charles became maybe the most powerful person on Earth, his life was anything but classy. Luther followed up the revolutionary work with equally controversial and groundbreaking theological works, and his fiery words set off religious reformers across Europe. Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor was born into the twisted world of Medieval royaltyand his dramatic life rivaled that of his contemporary, Henry VIII. In 1517, he drew up his 95 theses condemning the Catholic Church for its corrupt practice of selling “indulgences,” or forgiveness of sins. Martin Luther was a professor of biblical interpretation at the University of Wittenberg in Germany. Key People: Charles V Clement VII Louis III, 6e prince de Condé.

He had been called to Worms, Germany, to appear before the Diet (assembly) of the Holy Roman Empire and answer charges of heresy. Participants: Holy Roman Empire Papal States. Martin Luther, the chief catalyst of Protestantism, defies the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V by refusing to recant his writings.